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Overcoming the two stumbling Blocks on the Road to Confidence. Confidence stumbling block #1: Fear of Rejection As we covered in Chapter 2, you are afraid of rejection because of what you make rejection mean to you. While the successful seducer knows that every "no" is only another step on the way to the inevitable "yes;' a man who fears rejection fears it because he makes it mean that there is something wrong with him. Here are some solutions: The Thirty-Day Program for Getting Over Fear of Rejection. You must get yourself so used to rejection from women that it no longer has any negative meaning to you, A simple way to do this is to start small, with our easy-to-follow, thirty-day rejection-stomping confidence-building program. If you are scared to talk to women and scared of rejection from women, this simple program will get you talking to them daily, and laughing in the face of rejection. It's straightforward, painless, and easy to do. It's based on a simple two-letter word that, when you use it with women, will build your confidence, start you talking, and be the first step in getting women into your life. Are you ready for the word? The word is "hi!" To build your confidence with women and to overcome your fear of rejection, for the next thirty days, say "hi" to women in public at least six times a day. That's all there is to it. You are walking down the street, you see an attractive woman, you say "hi" to her, and walk on. You see the next attractive woman, and you say "hi" to her, too. And so on. Don't be deceived by the simplicity of this program. If you are willing to actually do it, and to actually say "hi" to a number of women out in public every day, your confidence will rise, your fear of rejection will diminish, and your success with women will improve. Here's why: First, your confidence will improve because you actually will be talking to women. Saying "hi" is wonderful because the interaction ends quickly. Like some other techniques we'll show you for building confidence, the "hi" interaction doesn't put your ego on the line and doesn't give her much chance to reject you. What's the worst thing she'll do, glare at you as you walk by? Who cares? It's not like you've risked your whole ego by asking her out or trying to kiss her. You'll get into the habit of seeing women who attract you, and talking to them. And that's good. Second, women's responses to you will become less important to you. You'll find that you are being the kind of man you want to be, the kind of man who says hello to whatever kind of woman appeals to him, no matter what her response might be. You'll become less scared of rejection as you notice that some women smile and say "hi" back, that some women are in their own world and don't even seem to notice you spoke, and that some women glare at you darkly and reach for their police whistle. You'll start to see that it doesn't matter; all that matters is that you are making life work for you by starting to approach the women who attract you. Third, you actually will get into more conversations with women if you set a precedent of talking to them right away. Have you ever been in a situation in which you would have spoken to a woman, but the fact that you've initially ignored her makes it hard to start? This happened to our friend Bob just the other day. "I was in a line waiting to buy tickets to a movie. There was a gorgeous girl in line in front of me, but when I first saw her, I went back into my old fear mode, and didn't look at her or say 'hi.' After about five minutes of waiting, I really wanted to start talking to her, but it seemed a lot more awkward because I hadn't said 'hi' at first." After you've practice saying "hi" for a few weeks, it'll be second nature for you to see that woman in line, look her in the face, smile, and say "hi." You'll be relaxed and not concerned with her response. And it will then be natural for the two of you to talk more, and for you to be able to use the tools from the rest of this book to seduce her. Other ways to overcome the fear of rejection Have a "piece on the side." As you begin to develop your harem of available sex kittens, you are at a disadvantage. As usual, success breeds success. The more sex you are getting, the more confident about sex you will become and the more new women you will attract. But at the beginning, you don't have the confidence of lots of past success, and that slows down your ability to get that first woman on a date and into bed. Though it is not available to every man, having a "piece on the side" can generate the erotic confidence that allows you to get even more women. A "piece on the side" is a woman who you have occasional sex with—say, once a month—though you might not really want her very much. She is a woman you know you can have, but who isn't attractive enough for you to try to start a relationship with. An occasional sex partner like this can build your sexual self-esteem and enable you to take the risks that get you into bed with the women you really want. So who could be a potential "piece on the side?" They may be ex-girlfriends, women who are not extremely attractive, much older women, close female friends, women who understand you don't want a relationship, or married women. When you have a "piece on the side," you know you aren't a total loser. If you look hard enough at your life you will usually find at least one woman who would sleep with you. Try her out and see what happens. We've had students say "Yeah, the date didn't go so well, so afterwards I went to the house of my 'piece on the side.'" They were able to get sex when they wanted it. As a result, they were empowered to pursue the sex they really wanted. Get your validation from your life, not from women. Too many men rely on women for their sense of validation, self-respect, and self-esteem. They live as if women's opinions of them are what matters. If they have a good interaction with an attractive woman, they feel good about themselves. When an interaction goes bad, they feel badly about themselves. This need to be validated by women in order to feel good about themselves robs these men of their confidence with women.

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